A downloadable project

Meet Bao !!!

Your very own autonomous virtual pet, based off the 90's classic Tamagotchi.

Watch as Bao Eats, Sleeps,  Plays,  and Moves around the environment.

Possible Future Development


  1. Interaction - You've seen Bao do it themselves now you can help, by petting and feeding Bao.
  2. Animated Faces - Happy? Sad? Sleepy? See Bao's emotions change in real time.
  3. VR Compatibility - Use the chopsticks to pick Bao up , Please don't eat them !! 

Technical Details

This tech demo was created in Unreal Engine 4, Using a combination of C++ Programing and Blueprints. I have a passion for AI and Programming so this task was a great opportunity to practice my skills.  

Using C++ I programed a Finite State Machine  which consisted of 6 states for  the pets activities  (VIBING, PLAYING, EATING, TOILETING, SLEEPING and DEAD) as well as 8 directional states to handle movement of Bao. 

I used Blueprints to create a Main Menu screen as well a quit button which enables the used to quit to either Main Menu or Desktop.

in addition to programing I used my 3d Modeling skills to model, UV and texture all but the chopping board asset.

This tech demo was made as part of a Second Year BCs Computer Games Programing assignment at Wrexham University.

Bao art made by Becca, 3rd Year BSc Animal Behaviour, Welfare & Conservation Science student at Wrexham University.


Mamepetto VirtualPet TechDemo.zip 208 MB
Mamepetto VirtualPet Project Files.zip 103 MB

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